A Simple Hub for your Business Growth — ContentDrive

Introducing ContentDrive WhatsApp Unit

New people you meet, new contacts you add, will never do business with you if, over time, they neither see value in your offer,nor do they trust you, nor do they like you, nor are they familiar with your brand.

There’s something common to all businesses that are doing well. They use content as a tool. They build relationships with their audience. (In PO’s voice) Go and verify. 😅

What exactly is this content? It’s informative, educational, or entertaining posts in your business category that keep your audience engaged.

There’s a sad problem.

1️⃣ Not everyone necessarily knows how to do this content thing. It may be difficult running a business and at the same time posting the good write ups, videos and audios that keep your audience engaged. Do you also have problems keeping your social media channels alive and fresh with content?? You’re in this category too.

2️⃣ You have a budget for this Content thing. But graphic designers give you the rate they give for designing flyers. Just for Content? 😱 Or they give you heavy charges to create 10 designs monthly for your brand. And is not that these designs are flyers. They are just for social media.

Have we even talked about videos?


This makes Small Business Owners not to look in that direction🤦‍♂️. The powerful strategy called Content Marketing. And it’s causing them to miss a lot of patronage.

But here comes ContentDrive.

At Schwiz Web this problem agitated and inspired us to birth ContentDrive. A powerful Content Generator unit for Business Owners. And since August 2021 till date, we have come along way 😃

See also   Boosting Your Business on WhatsApp | About

Today, with ContentDrive, you can kiss goodbye to having an uninteresting page and WhatsApp handles, causing people to like you and your brand.

When you get started ;
1️⃣ A WhatsApp Group will be created just for you and your colleagues (if you have any) by the experts from Schwiz Web.

You must find the group with any amount and specify the duration of the budget.

The group name has a 🟢 and will become 🛑 if the budget is exhausted.

3️⃣While the group is 🟢, expect great content you can post to your social media and WhatsApp handles, from text to audio to video. Your budget will be maximized within the time frame.

Greenconnect, our second brainchild, is ready to take over if you need an extra audience for your great posts. So we don’t only give you Content, we give you audience😃

Like this, your business takes a whole new gear, with faster growth, and you have more time to focus on other things, close more deals, and win a loyal audience.

ContentDrive’s simple, yet scalable content marketing solution is now being used by a lot of happy business owners.

Click here to get started with ContentDrive


ContentDrive — Content Creation, Simplified!

Schwiz Web — The Digital Advantage

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