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How to Follow up Leads (Potential Customers) without Looking Salesy

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Creating a successful business career and having a productive client base both require constant follow-up. It’s not as difficult as it seems to master the art of following up with clients without bothering them.

Have you ever waited a month after meeting a prospect and wondered why they haven’t responded? How come your prospect hasn’t responded after a month? Several factors could be at play if your clients aren’t responding:

  • They’re busier than you realize or believe.
  • They aren’t fully convinced or haven’t made up their minds yet.
  • They dislike saying “No.”

However, if you are the one selling in that interaction, you need a response, even if it is a “No.” Therefore, how can you follow up without coming across as pushy?

1. Deliver value

Follow-ups don’t always have to be business-related and shouldn’t be centered on your demands. For example, send along relevant content you discover if your client has expressed interest in a given issue.

This tactic involves producing and delivering relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other media to draw in, hold the attention of, and convert a potential customer into a paying one. When it comes time to buy what you sell, this strategy develops credibility, increases brand recognition, and keeps your company at the top of customers’ minds.

When doing this, focus on your clients’ needs. Knowing your audience’s challenges is the first step in developing a successful content marketing plan. Then you will be able to offer valuable information or content that your customers could use to enhance a part of their lives.

2. Be conscious of their time

Catching someone with the correct message at the wrong time is absolutely possible. So plan your follow-up schedules wisely, especially if you’re speaking to them on the phone or in person. For instance, if your client owns a restaurant, avoid reaching out to them during peak meal hours.

SEE ALSO   Building Trust: How to Create a Transparent Business Model

Your business strategy should place a high focus on respecting customer time and schedule. It not only keeps your customers satisfied and benefits them, but it also greatly benefits your brand.

Additionally, give a potential customer your complete attention out of respect for their time. By doing this, you’ll be able to convince your potential customers that you genuinely care about them and in turn close deals with them.

3. Choose the method they prefer

Some people detest using email, while others detest using the phone. Some people would even prefer that you visit them in person, etc. Obviously, if you choose their preferred method of communication, you will receive the best answer. Not sure which they favor? Start asking more frequently.

Customers are more likely to respond favorably to you if you respect their choices, which will boost customer satisfaction. Your clients’ confidence and self-esteem will grow stronger if they believe that their thoughts are recognized and respected and that you are paying attention to them.

4. Stop waiting

The longer you wait to follow up, the more probable it is that they will have forgotten what you talked about or will have chosen a different supplier in the meanwhile. One of the main reasons for missed sales is a delayed response time.

Follow-ups should be conducted regularly. Why? Because you want to cultivate relationships with prospects and make sure they are aware of the nature of your company. Therefore, it’s essential that you keep in touch with potential customers once you’ve developed a good relation with them.

When you follow up with potential clients, you are demonstrating your concern for them. Because it’s uncommon to come across a business that demonstrates this level of interest, this sincere interest in them will encourage them to return.

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5. Avoid being in a hurry

Being overly focused on closing a deal with a specific customer can cause you to call them excessively and come off as pushy—or just plain desperate. People prefer to deal with successful individuals who are self-assured rather than those who are in a desperate state of affairs.

Speed is sacrificed for efficiency when people rush. Your response is ineffective if it doesn’t address all of the customer’s inquiries. Even though it takes longer to “get it right,” the outcome is better.

6. Don’t take it personal

You may occasionally lose a client or fail to close a crucial deal. Keep in mind that they are often rejecting your product or service; they are not doing so because they dislike you personally. This will enable you to engage with other clients in a much more friendly and customer-focused manner and prevent such setbacks from negatively affecting your manner. It will also make you more aware of the possibility that you might still be able to conduct business with them in the future.

Rejection is crucial in business since it can show you where your selling tactics need refinement. You can discover more about your target market or clients by handling rejection. Many people are afraid of rejection because they believe it shows that they are lacking in some way. In addition, society has implanted a fear of being rejected in every person who has ever used its mechanisms.

7. Make an impression by being different

There are undoubtedly a lot of people attempting to contact your client, including some of your direct rivals. Many of them will likely say something similar, such as “thank you for your time, it was wonderful chatting with you, and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.” Such cliched comments are both unhelpful and forgettable. Instead, be particular and allow your own personality to help distinguish you from the competition.

SEE ALSO   Building Trust: How to Create a Transparent Business Model

8. Be very organized

If you are not organized and have a mechanism to retain notes, it is difficult to be particular, offer value, and remember each client’s preferences. According to the concept of an entrepreneur as an organizer, the most prosperous businesspeople are able to gain a competitive edge through increased efficiency. They are able to use every resource needed to handle a specific business.

Business owners wear several hats, therefore you must efficiently and effectively manage a variety of tasks. If your business is not organized, tasks may pile up, documents may get lost, valuable time may be spent looking for information that should be clearly visible, and you may even forget about some prospects or lose track of their existence.

You can manage a sizable client list with the aid of marketing automation, customer relationship management tools & Greenconnect Sales Tools.

9. Provide a Recap

Include a brief summary of the previous conversation and any decisions made if you are following up. Before moving on to the next topic of conversation, this helps to jog their memory, emphasize your points, and make sure you are both on the same page.

10. Put it into practice

It might be annoying to never follow up with someone. While 80% of all sales occur after the fourth follow-up contact or message, one source claims that nearly half of salespeople never follow up with prospects.

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